Raise your vibration with a Energetic Reset Vibrational Kinesiology healing session.
VK as I love to call it. Shift yourself back into more Love, Peace & Joy.

Learn more about my sessions
Energetic Reset Session activates the Diamond within you. Trine assists you by connecting you to your inner dIAMond. She will guide you to reset your body - emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually. Allowing more love, Joy and Peace into your life. A gentle approach to healing via vibrational kinesiology allowing healing through the levels and layers of your DNA to open new positive thoughts and patterns to assist you on your soul's journey now. My one on one sessions are completed via phone or Facebook messenger.

During a session I connect to the Quantum Field where all change is possible. We connect to your higher self and choose what’s most important to you that need to shift now. Then we gently clearthe negative energy blocks, trauma or dis-ease in your body. We access this via breath and visualization. I guide you to gain access to the wisdom that is available to you at any moment in time. Past, Present or Future.

Energetic Reset Session assists by gently clearing the emotions and generational patterns. It’s a way to reset our lives to Zero Point. Zero point is an opportunity for you to heal through
clearing and resetting your body through intention, positive words and energy. Our intuition is the most powerful gift we have. With an Energetic Reset Healing session you can shift what no longer serves you. Let yourself feel More Love, peace & Joy Now!